Monday, June 2, 2014

The best Packard of them all...

I stopped by the Packard Plant the other day on my home and was pretty surprised. There was a man from Maryland that stopped by with a jet black 1954 Packard. It offered a perfect opportunity for some epic photos...enjoy.

Hot in the D

It's always nice to run across a piece that's just been done. This is in a spot few people know about...although you can just drive right by it and not even know it. The only thing one really has a reason to do so.

Eastern Market....

Some new murals in Eastern Market District of Detroit.

Just off Gratiot...

A little spot of Gratiot that I stumbled upon the other day...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Risk at the Packard...

Recently there was a shoot for Coors Light in Detroit, and one of the locations was the Packard Plant. Risk and the crew were there from places like Washington D.C., New York City, and Miami. These are some of the pics of some sic fresh paint they put up and some buckshot. There are more inside that I can't get to right now, because we got hit with some snow the other day and it's been a little dicey here. I should have something to post by next week. 

#Risk #Dems #Esky #Begr #Hael #Scea #Saro #OTR